La Corrupcion en Qing - Corruption in Qīng Dynasty

Corruption in Qīng Dynasty

Corruption was a widespread problem during the Qīng 清 dynasty. In this article we want to expose the real problem of corruption: its magnitude, its causes and the measures that were taken to deal with it, as well as examine in particular what is possibly the most famous case of corruption: the case of Héshēn 和珅.

Acantilado Rojo, Batalla del Acantilado Rojo, Red Cliff, Tres Reinos, Three Kingdoms

The Battle of Red Cliffs

The Battle of Red Cliffs (Chìbì zhī zhàn 赤壁之戰) was one of the most important episodes of war in Chinese history. This battle, of epic dimensions, would mark the end of the Hàn 漢 dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) and the beginning of the Three Kingdoms Period (Sānguó Shídài 三國時代; 220-280).